Migratory Birds

by Redilion

"We should see migration as a natural and positive process, not necessarily as a threat"
— Katherina Kratzmann, migration and refugee expert, 2016

I am dedicating my next painting series to the bird species which migrate long distances and are endangered due to the changing climate conditions and illegal hunting.
Between the birds on the verge of being listed as endangered are the people who risk a lot to feed themselves and their families.
Forced migration for their salvation and prosperity is the main theme of my work.
Here I move away from detailed backgrounds towards abstract ones to highlight the birds and to show the countries and continents they are crossing.
The series was planned to consist of 12 works, of which 8 are ready. By this point, the war in Ukraine forced even more people to flee.
As a Ukrainian, I have been painfully affected by this event, and the next works in the series will be devoted to trying to cope with this feeling.